Articles from October 2020


Articles from October 2020

Fleas   Fleas are medically important species, Xenopsyalla sp. Adults commonly live for 10 days to 6 weeks   Adult size about 1-6 mm with laterally flatten body, less oval shape, light to dark brown, no wings present, 3 pairs of powerful legs, hind legs main for jumping and are covered with bristle and small spines. They can be nuisance to host. During feeding, fleas eject feces composed of semi-digested blood of previous meal. Fleas usually bite people on legs, ankle and waist. They prefer dark place and they are found sheltered among hairs, under clothing or bed. Life cycl..
Termites   Common termite species: - Subterranean Termite, Coptotermes curvinagthus/gestroi   Adult worker and soldier size ranging from 3 to 10mm. Soldier have large mandible, yellowish head and creamy body color whereas worker is creamy in color. Soldier will release white liquid when being torture, swarming during the day. Door/window frame, skirting, cabinet, cupboards, books, carton box in store room are among the hotspots for termite infestation.    Sign of infestation Mud tubes/trails Hollow wood Dead or alive termite Approaches to control th..
Wood Borer
Wood Borer​​​​​​​Wood borers are wood damaging beetles that attack and damage structural and wooded furniture based on the type and moisture content of the wood. Adult beetles laid eggs in cracks & crevices. Larvae burrow deep into the wood where they feed and in the process they make a maze of tunnels over several years especially in furniture, wooden beams and any other wooden objects.Sign of InfestationExit holes of woodBore dust are usually visible under the infested woodDamaged wood/crumbling wood..
MothsIndian meal mothAdult wing span about 14 – 20 mm long. First third of forewings are cream in colour, rest of the wings is copper with dark grey spots. Larva is yellowish white in colour and sometimes in reddish or greenish colour. They are strong flier and they are attracted to artificial light. They often found on cereal grain, flour, groundnuts and dried fruits.Lifecycle – Egg -> adult about 27 days.Casemaking cloth mothSize of the adult moth measured from 9 to 13 mm. External morphology of the cloth moth is they have brownish-gray wings with three dark spots. These spots can be rubb..
SpidersAdult size ranging from 0.3 mm to 300 mm. They are arachnids with 4 pairs of legs and eye, some with 3 pairs of eye.Some live solitarily, only converging to reproduce. Some species live in large communal webs, or congregate in large numbers under conducive environments. While some actively hunting for food while others lie in wait for prey to come in.Their habitats comprises woodlands, forests, wetlands, grasslands, deserts, rainforests, trees, shrub, ground, tunnel underground to houses, farms, barns, gardens, attics, basements, foundations, and etc. People who fear of spider are known..
Silverfish​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Silverfish has a long, slender, flatten body with tapered end which is brown to silvery in color. Their adult range from 13-25 mm. They are agile runner. They prefer to stay in dark place and they are able to live for 2 to 8 years and reproduce frequently. Silverfish thrive in humid and moist environment, feed on polysaccharides (starch & cellulose) such as book glue, carpet fibers, household glue, paint, fabrics, and even furniture. ..
FliesBlow FlyAdult measured about 8-10 mm. Blow fly are metallic blue, green, or black in color and giving out “buzzing” sound during flight. Adult blow flies feed on a variety of materials, but the larvae of most species are scavengers that live on carrion or dung. The adults lay their eggs on the carcasses of dead organisms, and the larvae (maggots) feed on the decaying flesh. The larvae of some species (e.g., Calliphora, Cochliomyia) also sometimes infest open wounds of living animals.Fruit FlyAdult about 1/8 inch long. Typical morphology of fruit fly is they have red eyes with the front pa..
MosquitoesAedes Mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Indoor biters) /Aedes albopictus (Outdoor biters)Adult about 4–7mm in lengthPresence of black and white stripes on abdomen and legs, a lyre marking on its thoraxBites during the day, prefer dark colors Can fly for a distance about 50-100 meter Breed in ground pool, tree holes and man-made containers, inside and outside houses, prefer clear waterLife cycle – 6-8 daysResting position – Parallel to the surfaceCulex Mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatusAdult about 4–10 mm in lengthPale and light brown or yellowish in colour.Bites at night, rest indoor before and..
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